While I was visiting CACiS Art Residency in Barcelona in 2011, my friend David Johnson wrote me an email from Virginia asking that I send him three photographs daily.  The proposed intention was a way for us to exchange creativity.  As a joke, I reinterpreted “three photographs” by reassigning adjectival function.  The joke continued the entire summer, documenting my trips through Catalonia and Madrid until arriving back home to Virginia.

From David Johnson Norfolk, Virginia, May 7, 2011:

when [my daughter] and i were on the hualapai res in peach springs az. i started talking about the poverty and sadness of it all and she said, “well, but it’s ok because they are together”

that statement made me tremble – literally it re-enforced my sense that place just doesn’t matter it’s the community that matters.  that’s why i try to go to openings

and attempt to keep my relationships with artists around here. it isn’t really working tho as you say is happening to you about making art the same is true with me

i do think you and i have served as energizers for each other when it comes to art making i know i certainly would have made less “art” had i not known you these last 11 yrs.

maybe we need a project – not another conversation but some method of forcing us off our asses. how about just e mailing 3 pics a day – taken within the last 24 hrs. not a conversation, just here are 3 things i looked at today or somethin like that. got any ideas?